I rarely read nonfiction. When I do, it’s typically a biography or memoir. So why did In A Different Key: The Story of Autism stand out to me? One reason is I’m a school psychologist so I frequently work with kids that have Autism. Another reason is more than half of my best friends have a child on the spectrum so I have a personal connection to the diagnosis as well.
Parts of In A Different Key: The Story of Autism, felt like I was reading a textbook. This is why I couldn’t give it five stars. The research and vaccine court chapters got a little boring for me.
Speaking of textbooks, I remember learning about Donald Triplett (the first person diagnosed with Autism), “refrigerator moms”, and Lovaas in my textbooks but the depth with which this book takes all those topics, especially the story of Donald Triplett was just incredible.
Equally as inspiring is the story of Donald’s mother. This book furthered my fascination and knowledge and increased my respect for the parents and individuals with the diagnosis.
I can see why this book was a Pulitzer Prize Finalist. Incredible book and I would love to see it documentary form. So maybe get on that John Donvan and Caren Zucker?!?!